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Create a Representative PR Portal account

Please enter your email address and create a new password

To create a Representative account, enter your email and password below. You can only create an account if you are a paid Representative authorized to complete Permanent Residence applications on behalf of applicants.

Account information
Create new password
  • Password criterion: Unmet

    Minimum 8 characters

  • Password criterion: Unmet

    Needs to have at least 1 special character:

    caret, dollar, asterisk, period, left or right square bracket, left or right brace, left or right parentheses, question mark, quotation mark, exclamation mark, the at symbol, pound sign, percent, ampersand, slash, backslash, comma, less than or greater than sign, single quote, colon, semi-colon, vertical bar, underscore, tilda or backtick

  • Password criterion: Unmet

    Needs to have at least 1 uppercase character

  • Password criterion: Unmet

    Needs to have at least 1 lowercase character

  • Password criterion: Unmet

    Needs to have at least 1 number

  • Password criterion: Unmet

    Passwords need to match